
Bryan Adams - Nothing I've Ever Known

Bryan Adams - Nothing I've Ever Known

Right now I feel - just like a leaf on a breeze.
Who knows where it's blowin'.
Who knows where it's goin'.
I find myself somewhere I - I never thought I'd be.
Going round in circles.
Thinking about you and me.
How do I expalin it when I don't know what to say.
What do I do now - so much has changed.

Nothing I have ever known - has made me feel this way.
Nothing I have ever seen - has made me want to stay.
but here I am - ready for you.
I'm turnin', I'm fallin' - I hear my home callin'.
Hey - I've never felt somethin's so strong - oh no.
I'ts like nothing I've ever known.

Now you're the one I'm looking for.
You're the one I need.
You're the one that gives me - a reason to believe.
Following a star - has lead to where you are.
It feels so stong now - this can't be wrong now.

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